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Mortgage fraud is at the top of our minds.

What is Mortgage Fraud? And how can it happen?

By Definition, “Mortgage fraud is the deliberate misrepresentation of information to obtain mortgage financing that would not have been granted if the truth had been known.”

This could include:

  • Falsifying your identity

  • Misstating your work position, your income or the length of time you’ve held your job

  • Stating you’re a full-time salaried employee when you’re not

  • Misrepresenting the amount or source of your down payment

  • Misrepresenting your credit


NOW, most people are honest and do not commit mortgage fraud, but IT HAPPENS!

How do we help to protect YOU?

We ask all the questions to get a picture of your situation.

As long as the entire story is given from the first meeting, we can educate you on the rules and find you the right mortgage or financial solution for this Life Moment so that you are set up correctly without cutting any corners.

If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

If you choose not to work with Mullen and Mullen for your financial solutions, please be wary of anyone approaching you with an offer to make “easy money” in real estate.

And remember, always be educated, ask questions, and DON’T LET…IT HAPPEN to you.


If you suspect you’ve been the victim of mortgage fraud, contact your local police department. Or contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

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